It is between these yummy looking 'Baked Pumpkin Autumn Maple Doughnuts' from 'food + words'. The name alone gets me, it SCREAMS fall. The only issue is the recipe calls for Autumn Maple Beer (which also sounds delish') but I am not sure that I can just find it "around town", so the search is on.
Autumn SWEETS!
It is between these yummy looking 'Baked Pumpkin Autumn Maple Doughnuts' from 'food + words'. The name alone gets me, it SCREAMS fall. The only issue is the recipe calls for Autumn Maple Beer (which also sounds delish') but I am not sure that I can just find it "around town", so the search is on.
As some of you might already know, my husband has been pursuing a career as a Firefighter. He has been working so hard and now I can say his hard work has paid off because he is now a Firefighter for our County. I am so proud of him. While it is only a part-time position it is a huge step forward and foot in the door. It does mean that we are still not quite settled and the search for a full-time position continues (Ugh!), but a long awaited step forward none-the-less. We are so thankful.
♥ ♥ ♥ So, here's to embracing changes, thankful hearts, and to Autumn. ♥ ♥ ♥
Band of the week #2

I couldn't really find any videos for them either. They have a nice 50's, beach, lounge sound to them....which is kind of fun for spring.

If you like Bon Iver check this out
31 before 32
1. Drink more water (kind of boring, but needs to be done.)
2. Create a monthly calender of things to do with my children....include at least 1 craft a week.
3. Learn to can, preserve, and freeze. (bought THIS book....excited to use it)
4. Take the kids fishing and camping.
5. Try container gardening (I thought this would be good since we might be moving)
6. Participate in the Bountiful-Basket Co-op.
7. Try to make my own food dehydrator. (Saw it in a book and just want to try it)
8. Continue to learn about all the animals that I want to raise on the land we will one day have. ;)
9. Be outside more (go to park, on picnics, walks, etc.......with the family)
10. Turn TV off more....and turn radio on....or just be in the QUIET
11. Play more cards and board games with my man....and the kids.
12. Go on more dates with my man (find a babysitter close to home.)
13. Restore an old quilt that was handed down (I want to make one from scratch...eventually)
14. Make more things to sell. (I have a list)
15. Exercise more and eat healthier (this one is big...I still have to figure this one out...TBD)
16. Make more breads and muffins (need good recipes....have any??)
17. Go to more garage sales and thrift stores for home essentials (especially kitchen items)
18. Write more handwritten notes and thank you cards...... (write my MawMaw!!!)
19. Get the kids and myself dressed..... even if we are staying in (at least 6 days a week)
20. Read to the kids more (start Little House on the Prairie series)
21. Plan more things to do as a family.
22. Train Bruce to sit, stay, and lay.
23. Be more hospitable (have someone over at least once a month)
24. Read at least one book a month.
25. Pray more (read a book on prayer)
26. Memorize more scripture
27. Knit a kerchief or my man a hat.
28. Take a sewing class.
29. Recycle and be more consistent with composting.
30. Make lip balm, lotion, candles, OR more soap (and other household products)
31. Open an Etsy shop (4 months should be enought time .......RIGHT?!?!?)
I know...I know! I might be stretching it a bit with a 4 month deadline and I will probably have to transfer some of these goals to my 32 before 33 list, but this is something to shoot for.....something to go to if I feel like I need to accomplish something......a good list of goals.
I will try my best to get these things accomplished....IT IS possible. Since I felt like I have waisted so much time waiting around for something to happen....I will waste no more.
via qacreate <---- I ♥ this shop
Like I said's on!!
I was recently doing a bible study and read somehting in the commentary that struck a cord with me and has resonated in my mind. It was further defining the words "labor" and "striving".
(Colossians 1:29) I....Labor, striving acccording to His working
It reads: "Labor" refers to working to the point of exhaustion. The Gr. word for "striving" gives us the Eng. word "agonize" and refers to the effort required to compete in an athletic event. At the same time, he knew the effective "striving" or work, with spiritual and eternal results was being done by God through him.
I thought this spoke volumes on just how hard I really am to labor at what I do. I definitely don't push myself as hard as I should. I will be going back to this for sure, always keeping these key points in the back of mind.....pushing me just a little bit harder.
to sell or not to sell???