♥ bows sweet bows ♥

My sis-in-law recently took me to one of her favorite stores......dare I say it.....'Forever 21'. I am not much of a mall shopper and really haven't been clothes shopping in some time, but it was there that I found these darling little patent leather bows and they were only $2.50 for 6!! The pack came with 2 of each color. (Their bag also has scripture on the bottom which put a smile on my face). They have a ton of cute hair accessories for fairly cheap. I think adding a little something to the hair is such a great way to accessorize.


  1. i like your use of the ♥'s! they are addicting ~ i use them all the time! :)

  2. In the year of 2017. People around me suddenly begin to hang out with mini tank dress.I'm feeling curious and suspicion at the moment:"Is this a thing now?"And here's my thoughts after research and the dress that I bought.
